I am tired, but I'm happy. Life is good and full of new connections.
And I like connections. They mean more mirrors, more reflections, more truth.
There is so much I want to convey that I run the risk of going abstract. It happens like that a lot.
But the theme of today was Grounding, so in that spirit I will make an effort to focus my entry a bit.
And besides, I am extenuated.
I just got back from an important meeting. No, it wasn't a job interview. It was a preview of a possible future though, a taste in what my life's work could be... of what life could be.
There were 37 of us and we came from many different regions of the province of Québec. (In case you wonder: that's 1,667,926 square kilometers, which is three times the size of France, and a big 20 percent of the USA. In short: the province of Québec is LARGE.)
Some of the people there already knew each other through the Occupy Montreal movement, others came form small villages that are 5 hours away from the big city. Some were veterans of the 70s and the 80s commune experiments, some of us don't remember a life before the advent of the internet.
I didn't know anyone; I had only had a few cyber exchanges with one of two of the organizers. We came from the four corners and spanned at least two generations, but we all shared one basic intention: the creation of a self-sufficient and healthy eco-community, according to the principles and philosophy of permaculture.
37 strangers, one utopia.
For where is this place going to be? Are we talking about one, or more communities? What land(s) do we have available? What does the process involve? What resources do we already have?
Do we mean the same things?
Permaculture means that we recognize how fundamentally interconnected and interdependent we are. It means we are ready to see, observe, and learn from what's before our eyes: the Earth is wise and she is teaching us about diversity, complexity, and unity. She's teaching us about relationships, cycles, and change. She's teaching us about equilibrium.
We have had enough of buying into the false promises of the capitalist system. We don't want to waste anymore resources and time: we'll create the alternatives. We'll build new models, propose new ways.
Changes happen at the periphery. If Darwin was right, the fittest organisms will be the ones living on.
There is so much I would like to revel into while reflecting back on today's experience. But I want to go sleep for now. It is only the beginning...
A wonderful experience is in the works...
About this clown

- Ève
- I often feel that we're all spinning slowly... like a mirror ball. Yes, we are all mirrors to each other. And so, it is the Light between us that I hope to help reveal and celebrate. /// J'ai souvent l'impression que nous sommes une boule disco qui tourne lentement. Nous sommes tous des miroirs pour les uns les autres. C'est donc la lumière qu'il y a entre nous que j'espère contribuer à souligner et à célébrer.
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