This is actually a post that I wrote after the last American elections. I hadn't finished it then, so I picked it up just now to tighten iup the ends a bit. This is of course only a minuscule fraction of what I could say on the topic. But for now...
(I haven't written much over the past three or four years. I've been busy, I've been learning a new trade and it's taken my mind space. I miss it. I write on paper sometimes but it's completely different than this. Oh! Keyboard, my ol' friend!)
I'm coming here today because my stomach hurts. I'm full of it, and I so I remembered that writing has been my way of coping with overflows. So here I am.
One word.
so much meaning.
I've been trying to wrap my mind around it.
Is it all because the electoral system is just fundamentally non-democratic? After all, anybody taking a bit of time to learn about, and reflect on, the working of a parliamentary system, is bound to find that there are some deep short-comings (and it's a euphemism) to all of them. It's as if they were set up to be undemocratic, just a small step away from the monarchic system and its aristocracy. Just a blink in the blanket of history.
We have to have a conversation about this.
Or perhaps it's, after all, a pretty fair system to ''govern'' a group of people. Perhaps people are not as rational as the Enlightenment philosophers believed and wrote. Perhaps we're being told that we are rational, and that it gives us great potentiality, but at the same time we're being fed and led, like animals, irrationally.
Perhaps this is the best that can happen for the moment.
Perhaps people really massively decided to elect Donald Trump ... instead of Hillary Clinton.
And blablabla, how much because she's part of the "political elite'', a.k.a. the establishment. That's what he used to vilify her. How much because she is a woman?
I absolutely agree that the establishment needs to go. In that sense, Hillary's election would actually have been ... disappointing.( That's another euphemism) She's certainly corrupt, involved in a-legal activities, hanging out with Freemasons, etc. She's certainly had to step on many heads to get to the top.
But Trump?!
Is this yet another symptom of that rampant feeling of powerlessness, of that crisis of social anxiety? And it's acting out and coming out in the form of this nihilistic gesture, this "fuck off'' to the face of the world, this collective act of self-denigration?
Or was it truly hope that motivated these electors?
Couldn't be.
Fear, most likely. And that's not a climate to choose a leader.
That's why people choose their own dictators.
About this clown

- Ève
- I often feel that we're all spinning slowly... like a mirror ball. Yes, we are all mirrors to each other. And so, it is the Light between us that I hope to help reveal and celebrate. /// J'ai souvent l'impression que nous sommes une boule disco qui tourne lentement. Nous sommes tous des miroirs pour les uns les autres. C'est donc la lumière qu'il y a entre nous que j'espère contribuer à souligner et à célébrer.
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