Harvey gave me a homework: ''In which places/areas/situations of your life are you perceived as or expected to ''be or act'' as a woman?'' Good question. And there was a second part to it, about whether those conceptions (perceptions?) are real or imagined. So let's see.
In the eyes of this person I just met, I am perceived as a woman. In fact, I think that in general people do consider me to be a woman. Perhaps not a feminine woman, but not also not a guy. And in my head I so often feel like ''one of the guys". But that doesn't have to mean anything.
I had a conversation with my friend on saturday. Why don't we seem to get along with a majority of ''girls'' in this society? Why do we prefer hanging out with the men? Often, their company is more natural to our character and our interests.
But I am disgressing.
And what does it mean, to be a woman?
To me, it means being in tune with the moon and thus with the oceans. And therefore, so powerful. Being a woman is a legacy so rich, if only because we haven't taken part in the wars of men... But is that even possible? Did we not watch them, and supported them, while they built weapons to kill one another?
We've had our own wars. We've fought against the hunger and suffering of our children, and we've settled and contained our culture and cultivations. That's what being a woman means.
About this clown

- Ève
- I often feel that we're all spinning slowly... like a mirror ball. Yes, we are all mirrors to each other. And so, it is the Light between us that I hope to help reveal and celebrate. /// J'ai souvent l'impression que nous sommes une boule disco qui tourne lentement. Nous sommes tous des miroirs pour les uns les autres. C'est donc la lumière qu'il y a entre nous que j'espère contribuer à souligner et à célébrer.
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