Création d'espaces créatifs |
All things are well in the midst of the Squirrel's Spire.

If the results of this experiment in abundance have been positive so far, I simultaneously feel another strong emotion... The depth of the Unknown, the compulsive fears and reactions, the anxieties of eminent change, of a potentially profound transformation.
Power to the Neighborhoods! (Oui!) |
As the Second Quiet revolution is starting to take place, we, the people, and I, actually, are starting to wonder... what's the point again?
''Le tintamarre des Casseroles'' is still happening, every night, though in reduced numbers now. It has been going on since May 18th. That's almost one month! Every night, some... citizens get out and start following sidewalks and banging on their pots and pans. Neighborhoods concentrate and relate, in this demonstration against the undemocratic absurdity of Loi 78. Oh yeah, that's why!
But people also go to work everyday. They also eat and so they cook or buy food. They go for a drink or two, they see their friends. We want the revolution AND life as usual. We want to eat well and to be surrounded by people we love. And why not? You can't be on the battlefront at all times; because then, what are you fighting for?
Is the movement losing its breath? I don't know, 'cuz I haven't been to the protests!
I am fighting for the Beauty and the interconnection in All things. I am fighting for the Mystery of Life.
But sometimes I find it hard to sustain the fight.
Thoughts? If the human species disappeared, it would take no more than a hundred years for planet Gaïa to rejuvenate Herself.
We are not indispensable.

When you mama gave birth to you, it was the most painful and mystical experience... and yet.
It's just how it is.
(Plus we now have epidurals anyway. Not that I'm against it, just that we have adapted to make birth less painful and less dangerous. Less mothers die I suppose. That's a good thing! But we get born in these conditions now, shielded and numbed from the pain of birth, and so we carry this on later in life, using more drugs, which I am not saying I am against either... given that it's all interconnected, and that the Earth also gives us these plants...)
(I could go on and one with musings on sacred medicine, but that'll have to be for another time.)
In short, all in all, consciousness is quite a phenomenon...
What are they trying to sell to us? |
Une affiche, un manifeste non-signée. (Centre-Sud.) |
P.S. Remember ! The whole world is going through its revolutions. One hundred thousand people gathered yesterday in Moscow, to overtly protest Putin's government and ask for new elections.
Since embarking on his third presidential term, Putin has taken a stern stance toward the opposition, including signing a repressive new bill last week introducing heavy penalties for taking part in unauthorized ralliesYep. It's happening in Russia right now. Same thing!
Read more:
A famous photo from Germany. Cops suddenly take off their helmets and escort the anti-capitalist protests taking place in Frankfurt... May 19, 2012. (That was about two weeks ago.)

And in Poland, also yesterday! :D This is in parliament.
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